Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Feliz Dia de Reyes!!A Spanish tradition

In Spain January 6th, is the "Día de los Reyes Magos" (the Epiphany). On this day children receive their presents.

At night turrón and champaign is left for the 3 Wise Men to snack, and a bucket or bowl with water for the camels. Each member of the family leaves a pair of shoes under the Christmas tree on the 5th and the presents will be around them next morning.

If yoú´ve been good they´ll leave you presents, if you haven´t they´ll leave you a bag full of coal.

In the morning everyone opens their presents and it´s typical to have “Roscon de Reyes” for breakfast with some hot chocololate.

It is traditional to put 2 surprises inside the "roscon." A porcelain figure and a dry bean are hidden in the dough. Whoever finds figure will have good luck, but if you find the bean – you pay for the cake!

and this is how the inside looks:

This was our Roscon this year, it was really good; i´d say the 2nd best ivé tried so far, number one is from a bakery from Llanes.
This is the little ceramic surprise from this year,added a penny for size reference.It´s my fave king, Baltasar!

When you are a kid you choose a fave one (Melchor,Gaspar or Baltasar) and during the parade on the night of the 5th you call out his name and ask for the presents

The roscon is made specially for this day, so you can only enjoy it once a year!!
I haven´t been updating the blog of anything, been too busy working on my jewelry and custom orders, yesterday I spent the day delivering the last ones, so today i´m taking the day off, I´ll probably start uploading on flickr the pics of the pieces I have left tomorrow.

If you get the surprise in the roscon you get to be crowned, of course I gave the crown to the queen of the house, Yucca:

Esepero que todos os portaseis muy bien y os trajesen mucho los reyes!

Para mi con tener un dia para descansar es mas que suficiente, como regalo lo que suelo pedir…libros! Mi favorito de este año el de etología canina ;)

Como veis la que se quedo con la corona del roscon fue Yucca, que es la reina de la casa, que se lo tiene mas que ganado con lo buena que es!

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