Thursday, September 17, 2009



This copper ring is made from scratch and is the result of my first time making flowers (thanks Jen!), I also got to experiment with different textures and play with the torch,I really hadn´re really planned how I wanted it to look, I just kept you can see in the other pics, I wanted an "organic" look for the rest of the ring to match the flower, so it sort of looks like interweaved branches/twigs.


Este anillo realizado en cobre esta heche con hilo y laminas de cobre, es el resultado de mi primer experimento haciendo flores con este material (gracias Jen!), fui experimentando con difernetes texturas y jugando con el soplete, no tenia planeado como iba a ser la pieza finalo, simplemente fui improvisando...como se pede apreciar en las fotografias, queria que tuviese una apariencia "organica" por lo que el aro del anillo se asemeja a pequeñas ramas entrelazadas

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